10. Working efficiency of a device for washing facades of tall buildings with a stabilization system

Wydajność pracy urządzenia do mycia elewacji wysokich budynków z systemem stabilizacji
 Witold Żołna, Przemysław Jura
efficiency, automation, robotics, elevation, washer
Zamieszczony w: 
Efficiency is the result of the actions taken, described by the relation of the results obtained to the expenditures incurred. The main assumption of the described research project was to develop a significantly improved façade washing machine capable of working in adverse weather conditions, i.e. wind conditions. Among the many technological challenges, an important for the effectiveness of façade washing machines is the ability to efficiently move around the façade, determining the washing efficiency while maintaining constant contact of the machine with the façade and at the same time overcoming and avoiding obstacles, especially in changing weather conditions. Most of the solutions used will work in specific conditions. The research allowed to select a structural solution that allows to modify or develop the washing machine in such a way as to ensure the correct washing path of the façade regardless of weather conditions up to a wind speed of 40 km / h.