12. Improving the effectiveness of the teaching model in Poland in vocational schools: environmental protection technical and environmental engineering and land improvement technician in education for responsible environmental citizenship

Poprawa efektywności modelu nauczania w Polsce w zawodach: technik ochrony środowiska i technik inżynierii środowiska i melioracji dla edukacji odpowiedzialnego obywatelstwa środowiskowego
 Anna Duczkowska, Zbigniew Plutecki
Zamieszczony w: 
The objective followed in this paper involves the discfussion of a model and development of recommendations for improving education for sustainable development. The article focuses on environmental education in the context of changes implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science in Poland. The article aims to demonstrate the progress gained in theoretical research as well as empirical research carried out with the purpose of avoiding the pitfalls of a relativistic approach to teaching and learning. The purpose of this article is to develop and validate two teaching models for secondary schools for the professions: Environmental Protection Technician and Environmental Engineering and Land Improvement Technician in Education for Sustainable Development. The use of the model made it possible to offer more effective vocational education, which will build in-depth knowledge among young people about environmental problems. Students' additional skills will help to achieve the desired goal in the applied change strategy.