Assessment of the potential for the use of local waste biomass from selected Polish golf courses in the process of anaerobic digestion

Ocena możliwości wykorzystania lokalnej biomasy odpadowej z wybranych polskich pól golfowych w procesie fermentacji beztlenowej
Łukasz Sobol, Arkadiusz Dyjakon

    Mowing grass surfaces is the most energy-consuming activity in the maintenance of golf courses, contributing to
    GHG emissions. Additionally, as a result of the need to maintain the height of the turf at an appropriate level, a significant
    amount of biomass residues is generated, which requires proper disposal. The goal of this work concerns the determination of
    biomass residues resources (grass clippings), obtained after mowing of the six selected golf courses in Poland. Based on own
    research, the selected golf course was characterized in terms of the area, frequency of mowing as well as management strategy
    and disposal of mowing residues. Based on the indicators obtained from the literature review, the biomass potential was
    determined, which was equal to 77.96 MgDM∙year^-1 (± 5.51 MgDM∙year^-1) to 150.97 MgDM∙year^-1 (± 6.25 MgDM∙year^-1)
    depending on the golf course. The obtained results and performed calculations indicated that the existing resources allow for
    the construction of microbiogas plants, fed by grass clippings with the electric power of 9.56 kW to 18.51 kW, which would
    allow for the production of electricity in the amount of 76.19 MWh∙year^-1 to 147.55 MWh∙year^-1 and heat in the amount of
    237.36 GJ∙year^-1 - 459.67 GJ∙year^-1. In addition, it was shown that the production of electricity and heat exceeds the energy
    input for mowing golf courses, making a positive energy balance of the process.
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