On the issue of waste-free combustion of ekibastuz coal and utilization of carbon dioxide in waste gases

Bezodpadowe spalania węgla ekibastuz i utylizacja dwutlenku węgla w gazach odlotowych
Bayandy I. Dikhanbaev, Artur Rusowicz, Arystan B. Dikhanbaev, Ibray Sultan

    The production activity of mankind using high-ash fossil fuels for electricity generation is steadily increasing ash
    waste and carbon dioxide emissions into the environment.
    The article proposes a variant of wasteless combustion of Ekibastuz coal in a melting reactor installed under the boiler; it is
    envisaged to obtain, in addition to steam of energy parameters, a melt suitable for the production of building materials,
    sublimates of zinc, gallium and germanium, to reduce emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere and return to the process a part
    of carbon in CO2. An energy-saving thermal diagram of a power plant boiler has been developed on the basis of the proposed
    technology for the reduction of СО2, Н2О of reactor waste gases with zinc vapor to СО, Н2. The resulting excessive hydrogen
    will be used to displace elemental carbon from CO. The spent reagent, zinc oxide, after recovering into zinc will be used again
    in the process. In case of implementation, CO2 emissi
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