Analysis of electric systems' structures in nuclear power plants with emphasis on ensuring operational reliability
Analiza struktur układów elektrycznych w elektrowniach jądrowych z podkreśleniem zapewnienia niezawodności operacyjnej
Józef Paska, Piotr Marchel, Paweł Terlikowski, Karol Pawlak
In this paper the analysis of electric systems' structures in nuclear power plants with emphasis on ensuring the
operational reliability has been prepared. The authors focused on different issues regarding necessary conditions of a safe
work of nuclear power plant. Based on authors research the auxiliaries’ power supply systems must be designed to assure a
maximal reliability level of the supply for the most important auxiliaries. In the nuclear power plant, it is necessary to
remove the decay heat produced in nuclear fuel during the long time after the reactor shutdown. It is also necessary to supply
the devices responsible for the radiation protection of people and environment. The authors analyzed the categories of the
nuclear power plant auxiliaries and the standards for qualifying electrical equipment for nuclear power plants. Electric part
of nuclear power plant is a set of electric power equipment, interconnected using the electric current paths, designed to
leading-out energy from the power plant to the electric power system (power leading-out system) and to supply auxiliaries
(auxiliaries’ power supply system). The tasks of auxiliaries’ power supply system in normal conditions differ significantly
from the tasks that this system satisfies in the transient conditions: starts-up, shut-downs and failures. The other thing is
presented review of solutions of auxiliaries’ power supply in currently developed plants. The paper presents the solutions of
auxiliaries’ power supply system in chosen power plants, which are presently design and/or in construction process.
operational reliability has been prepared. The authors focused on different issues regarding necessary conditions of a safe
work of nuclear power plant. Based on authors research the auxiliaries’ power supply systems must be designed to assure a
maximal reliability level of the supply for the most important auxiliaries. In the nuclear power plant, it is necessary to
remove the decay heat produced in nuclear fuel during the long time after the reactor shutdown. It is also necessary to supply
the devices responsible for the radiation protection of people and environment. The authors analyzed the categories of the
nuclear power plant auxiliaries and the standards for qualifying electrical equipment for nuclear power plants. Electric part
of nuclear power plant is a set of electric power equipment, interconnected using the electric current paths, designed to
leading-out energy from the power plant to the electric power system (power leading-out system) and to supply auxiliaries
(auxiliaries’ power supply system). The tasks of auxiliaries’ power supply system in normal conditions differ significantly
from the tasks that this system satisfies in the transient conditions: starts-up, shut-downs and failures. The other thing is
presented review of solutions of auxiliaries’ power supply in currently developed plants. The paper presents the solutions of
auxiliaries’ power supply system in chosen power plants, which are presently design and/or in construction process.