Possibility of the electric vehicle-to-home charging using renewable energy sources

Możliwość domowego ładowania samochodów elektrycznych z wykorzystaniem odnawialnych źródeł energii
Viachaslau Charvinski, Helene Kostukevich, Artur Rusowicz

    This paper deals with the problem of the decreasing of electricity losses from one side and the possibility of electric
    vehicle charging from the small wind and sun electric generators named as renewable energy sources. The purpose of the
    analysis of electricity losses is to analyze the efficiency of the operating mode depending on the shape of the load schedule.
    Identification of the dependence of the required degree of load balancing on the coefficient of the shape of the load curve,
    heating coefficient and energy losses. To equalize the load schedule, it is necessary to use energy storage devices, as well as
    operating modes and replacement of existing equipment. One of the options for energy storage can be an electric car (V2H)
    connected to the house network.
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