The Energy Market journal has been published every two months since 1995. Its topics mainly concern trade in heat, gas and electricity. It also raises issues related to: the primary fuel market, economics of technological equipment, economic and ecological aspects in the energy sector, methods of financing small and large investment projects, how to measure and account for energy consumption at wholesale and individual customers, energy savings, intelligent construction and emissions from large sources. The journal is mainly available as a subscription, but it is also distributed at selected conferences and dedicated trade fairs.
The Energy Market has a wide audience. It reaches cogeneration plants, power plants, heat energy companies, gas and energy plants, companies from the heating, energy and gas industries, banks, consulting offices, foundations and societies, universities, scientific and research institutes, state administration offices and housing cooperatives.
The editors of the Energy Market journal organise scientific and technical conferences:
Editorial Guidelines. Please prepare the article text in Polish or English using the MS WORD FOR WINDOWS (6.0 or 7.0) text editor, keeping the following instructions.
Page layout: page size - A4 (29.7 x 21 cm), vertical layout, margins: 2.6 cm top, 2 cm bottom, 1.6 cm internal and 1.7 external, opposite pages (mirror margins), width Margin between columns - 0.8 cm, space between lines - single, space after paragraph - 0.5 lines (6 points), font - Times New Roman CE.
Text layout: title - font size 16 bold, article text - font size 11, normal typeface, two-column text, chapter titles - font size 12, bold typeface, capital letters, keywords and abstract of the article - single-column text, font size 10, list literature and summary in English - single column text, font size 11. Please do not include footnotes.
Tables, charts, drawings (photographs) should fit in one column or between the left and right page margins and be legible with a black and white print, and the text on them should have a minimum height of 2 mm.
Formulas should be entered using the Equation Editor that MS WORD has, placing the next dependency number in round brackets at the right edge of the column.
The literature should take into account the current state of knowledge published in the national (also in the Energy Market) and international press, as well as resulting from the author's own research. Bibliographic references entered in square brackets in the text of the article should be written giving the data: author (surname, first letter of the name), title, source (publisher, place and year of publication).
Summary of the article in English or Polish if the article is written in English (about 100 words, consistent with its Polish / English version) and keywords, preceded by the English / Polish version of the title, should be placed at the end of the article, after the literature. Please check if the content is professional.
The authors of the articles are requested to place a short note that would inform readers about their current job position, education, specialisation, professional interests and achievements as well as the author's hobby.
- Scientific articles published in the Energy Market are reviewed and scored by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (70 points)
- The Energy Market was affiliated with the International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) and the Institute of Heat Technology of the Warsaw University of Technology
- Articles from the Energy Market are available in the Elsevier database
Texts of articles in electronic version prepared in accordance with the guidelines provided, written in two columns according to the form downloaded from the website, and correspondence should be sent to the following address:
Energy Market Editorial Board
Kondratowicza 59/40, 03-285 Warsaw
phone (+48) 503 848 847